Let's Get Together...
35th Reunion!!
October 20-21, 2023
- Catch up with old friends
- Tour new renovations at MPHS
- Enjoy MPHS Homecoming 2023
- Support current MPHS students
- Afternoon Activities & Evening Mixer
- Visit friends & family while in town
2023 Reunion Excitement
Oct 20 - Homecoming
Homecoming Game Kickoff at 7:30 p.m. (game ticket not included in reunion fee--purchase at the gate). The MPHS Athletic Hall of Fame Induction & Homecoming Ceremonies will start at approx 6:45 p.m.) Classmates will sit together as a group, be recognized by announcer and wear 35th Reunion shirts (shirts are optional--ordering/payment information will be provided soon)
Oct 21 Morning - MPHS Tour
Saturday, Oct. 21, 2023: Tour the Newly-Renovated Mount Pleasant High School at 10 a.m. Five years ago, classmates had the chance to tour the campus as part of a nostalgic walk down memory lane. The entire campus has since undergone a massive bond election/renovation transformation so this is a great opportunity to see what improvements have been made.
Oct 21 Evening - Reunion
Saturday, Oct. 21, 2023: 35th Class Reunion Celebration at Seasons Venue (at 114 W. 2nd St. downtown Mount Pleasant) from 6-11 p.m. Come celebrate our 35th Class Reunion in style! The event will feature a beautiful venue, great food/fun for all and DJ-led music (promising plenty 80s music for sure!). Reunion Weekend cost: $35 per person